The first draft of the Senate “Healthcare” Bill has been released and it is as bad (if not worse) than people feared. So bad that the Senate vote was delayed until after the July 4th recess. Your action during this recess is critical while the Senate republicans are working out a strategy to pass the bill when they return.
Indivisible has come out with some fantastic “Explainers” about the biggest problems with this bill. Please click on the following topics to learn more. This is GREAT information to use in discussions with friends and family, to help in expressing concerns about the bill to your legislators, or to use in writing a Letter to the Editor or a statement to be read at a town hall meeting. Please check out this excellent information.
*For information on how the new bill would destroy Medicaid, click here.
*For information on how the new bill will result in higher costs for Americans, click here.
*For information on how the new bill fails people with pre-existing conditions, click here.
For information on how to contact your legislator, click here (MS Word doc) or here (pdf).