From Our Latest E-Blast–Time Is Running Out!

Hello Washington County Democrats, Neighbors, & Friends, 
Suggest always checking for updated information from the CDC, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the nation’s health protection agency. 

#RememberinNovember   #WashCoDemsCare    #StayHome   #allinthistogether 

…and the other Party continues to place politics above human lives…

Important Update:Tonight the Wisconsin Elections Commission clarified that voters who have not yet received their absentee ballot will not be able to call their clerk and receive a ballot by email (as you may have read earlier tonight). 

1) Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked on April 7 and received by 4:00 pm on April 13 to be counted.
2) Hand delivered ballots or ballots without a postmark must be returned to the polling place by 8:00 pm on April 7 to be counted.
3) If you have not received an absentee ballot and wish to vote, you must vote at your polling place on April 7. 

For your benefit, use the following link regarding drop boxes at the polling locations for Absentee Ballots, if you choose.Washington County Municipality Dropbox Availability
(Always use for Clerk’s contact Info)
DPW encourages questions to Election Protection, the DPW organized and sponsored program 608-336-3232.
Speaker Pelosi tonight, referring to Wisconsin

“We don’t agonize; we organize!”

Governor Evers Executive Order remains below. It was enjoined by the WI Supreme Court.Please read and get a sense of competence, compassion, and empathy!
Governor Evers Executive Order #74 (here)