All posts by admin

January Membership Meeting – Wednesday, January 21st

The January Membership Meeting of the Washington County Democratic Party will take place on Wednesday, January 21st, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at 132 North Main Street in West Bend.

We will be working on creating programming and outreach that will help us achieve our goals for 2015. Please join us to contribute to this important process!

At our last meeting, our group talked about “goals” for 2015. After much brainstorming and discussion, the group came up with three goals:

1- The Washington County Dems will work towards growing our community by reaching out to those not previously in touch with our group and its activities and inviting them in.

2- The Washington County Dems will work towards increasing its presence in the community.

3- The Washington County Dems will work towards increasing its membership.

We hope you will join us in working towards these goals.

(Note: during the holiday season, we have taken a break from scheduling events. Please watch for new events and activities starting in the New Year.)



We are still in need of some additional office workers and office subs. 

One possibility is to team up with someone else and each person takes the shift every other week, which results in a two-shifts-a-month commitment each (for a total of 4 hours).

If you can help out with office shifts, please contact Stephen Roberts at or 262-338-9565.


2014 – 2015 Executive Board

Tanya Lohr, Chair;; 414-467-8469

Waring Fincke, Vice-Chair;; 262-334-1030

Anne Molineu, Secretary;; 262-353-3692

David Kliss, Treasurer;; 262-7-7-9935

Brenda Tucci, At-Large;; 262-305-7106

Sally Lacy, At-Large;; 262-502-0722

December Membership Meeting – December 17th

Please join us for the December Membership Meeting of the Washington County Dems on Wednesday, December 17th at our office located at 132 North Main Street in West Bend from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.

This is an important time of year for the Washington County Dems as we are in the process of making plans for 2015! We will be discussing our goals for 2015 as well as planning how to reach those goals. We will also be discussing spring races.

Please join us for discussions based on “brainstorming” and “problem-solving.”
