December Membership Meeting

Please join us Wednesday, December17th at the Washington County Democratic Party Office at 132 North Main Street in West Bend.

7:00 to 8:30 PM.

Come help plan for 2015. We will have a small gathering afterwards with holiday snacks and drinks!



The Washington County Dems are doing a sock drive as part of a holiday event for West Bend High School students in need of “cheer.”

Jen Mesko, a special education teacher at West Bend High School, organizes the event in her “spare time” because she sees such a need amongst her students. She reaches out to her peers to ask them to nominate students they think might benefit from such an event and to ask for donations. She provides food and gifts for the students in attendance as well as an atmosphere of hope, promise and cheer.

This year the Washington County Dems have volunteered to do a sock drive for the students. Please donate NEW socks for this important event. You can either drop them off at the office or contact Tanya Lohr (414-467-8469) to have them picked up. The cut off for donations is Tuesday, December 2nd.

Thank you!

2014 – 2015 Executive Board:

Tanya Lohr, Chair:; 414-467-8469

Waring Fincke, Vice-Chair:; 262-334-1030

Anne Molineu, Secretary:; 262-353-3692

David Kliss, Treasurer:; 262-7-7-9935

Brenda Tucci, At-Large:; 262-305-7106

Sally Lacy,At-Large:; 262-502-0722

Dear Dems and Friends,

My heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who came forward during the 2014 election cycle. You gave strength and personality to a message that must continue to be shared, regardless of election results. This was just one leg of a very important journey we are on together and I look forward to continuing down this path with you as we move forward once again.

It is important for us to get together at this point and talk about what happened during this election and put together a plan for our next steps moving forward.

I hope you will join us at our November Membership Meeting on Wednesday, November 19th at 7:00 PM to help shape these important discussions.

Thank you very much for all of your time and efforts. I look forward to seeing you soon!
