Upcoming Events at the WashDem Office—132 North Main Street in West Bend

The Washington County Democratic Party office at 132 North Main Street in West Bend will be a very busy place in the coming weeks! Take a look at these upcoming events:



Event One: Washington County Democratic Party Meeting on Wednesday, October 15th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. (So, NO “phone banking” on this Wednesday evening.)

Please join us for the last meeting before the November 4th Election. For more information or to add an item to the agenda, contact Tanya Lohr at telohr@charter.net


Event Two: Downtown West Bend “TRICK or TREAT” on Friday, October 17th           from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.greek-trick-or-treat-fi-copy

We will be participating in the Downtown Association’s “TRICK or TREAT” event again this year. Last year we had over 800 people come into our office to participate in this event!

We need people to hand out candy for this great event. We could also use some donated bags of candy. If you can donate a bag of candy, please drop it off at the Dem office on Wednesday from 11:00 to 5:00 or Thursday from 11:00 to 5:00 or Friday from 11:00 to 3:00 or Friday from 5:00 to 7:00—or, bring it to the meeting on Wednesday evening. If you can help hand out candyplease contact Tanya Lohr at 414-467-8469.


Event Three: Phone Bank on Saturday, October 18th from Noon to 2:00 PM.

We are currentltelephoney contacting people who typically vote Democratic, but don’t vote in non-Presidential elections. These are typically Democrats, so they are friendly calls, but they are unlikely to vote without contact.

These are GAME CHANGING CALLS and your efforts can make a difference!

For more information or to sign up for a shift, contact Brenda Tucci at 262-305-7106 or brendatucci@gmail.com


Event Four: Canvassing on Saturday, October 18th from 11:30 to 2:00.

door-toWe will be knocking on the doors of people who typically vote Democratic, but do not vote in non-Presidential years to let them know about the election and to answer any questions they may have.

These canvasses have been very positive and have resulted in great conversations with people who are likely to act on the information we share with them. We offer training to anyone who wants it and will not put you on the doors until you feel comfortable doing so.

Please help us make these important contacts. For more information, contact Tanya Lohr at telohr@charter.net.


Event Five: Phone Bank on Wednesday, October 22nd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.

We will continue to make the calls listed above. For more telephoneinformation or to sign up for a shift, contact Brenda Tucci at 262-305-7106 or brendatucci@gmail.com.



Your help can make all the difference!

Thank you for your efforts!

Office Volunteers Very Much Needed!


As the campaigns have heated up, so too have people’s tempers and emotions. For this reason, we are now scheduling TWO volunteers per office shift at the office. This is a necessary measure to take in order to ensure that everyone is comfortable at the office.

This also doubles our need for volunteers for the next three weeks. PLEASE consider taking an office shift—or two—to help us get through these important weeks leading up to the November 4th Election.

Please contact Stephen Roberts at 262-227-4640 to sign up for a shift.

Thank you!


The Washington County Dems had their most successful Spaghetti Dinner yet as we out raised the totals from the last three years.


Thank you to EVERYONE who helped make this such a successful event. A very special thank you to Mary Reilly-Kliss and Gretchen Fincke for organizing the Silent Auction, to Anne Molineu and Sally Lacy for organizing the food and volunteers, to David Kliss for arranging the music and location, and to Waring Fincke for holding all the parts together!

As you can see in the above photo, Senator John Lehman, the Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, addressed the crowd.

The dinner was a great chance to eat well, visit and relax, but we need to get back to work with only three weeks to help get out the votes for our Democratic candidates.

“Up for a Good Run?”

Every organization needs some good “RUNNERS”—“go to” people who can make the run for whatever is needed whenever.runner-clipart-dcrranBc9

Right now we need someone to go to Jefferson County to pick up Susan Happ literature to be able to inform voters about her campaign.

If you can help out with some of the important details that make an organization run smoothly—like picking up literature and delivering campaign signs—contact Tanya Lohr at telohr@charter.net or 414-467-8469.