HELP!……needed for the Sunday, October 5th, Spaghetti Dinner

images-3The Spaghetti Dinner is our major fundraiser for the year. We rely 100% on volunteers for this fundraiser, so the level of our success is mostly dependent on how many volunteers come forward. We need people to help with the set-up, to help prepare food, to work the sign-in table, to help tear down and to help with several other important jobs.

We also need people to volunteer to bring in a dessert. If you can help out with this important event, please sign up at the WashDems Office or contact Sally Lacy at 262-502-0722 or

AND don’t forget to invite and bring your friends and neighbors to this tasty, entertaining evening on Sunday, October 5th. The “Social” starts at 4:00 PM, “Senator Lehman” speaks at 4:30 PM, “the dinner” is served at 5:00 PM and the “Silent Auction” runs from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Plus, there will be musical entertainment throughout the evening. It will all take place at the Jackson Area Community Center at N165 W20330 Hickory Lane in Jackson—that’s just one long block south of Main Street (Highway 60) on Jackson Drive, then a left onto Hickory Lane.

Silent Auction Items Needed for Spaghetti Dinner

We are starting to gather items for the Sunday, October 5th, Spaghetti Dinner’s Silent Auction.

UnknownThese items should be new, quality items that are likely to solicit multiple bids. Items that have sold well in the past include homemade foods (labeled), gift certificates of all kinds, nice china/vases/glassware, blankets, baby stuff and homemade jewelry. We are also interested in donated services such as lawn care, cooking lessons and tutoring. If you have an item or service you’d like to donate, please fill out the form below and bring it to the WashDem Office with the bottom of the form attached.

If you have questions, please contact either Gretchen Fincke at 262-629-1567 or Mary Reilly-Kliss at & 262-237-0754.

Thank you!

FORM: Silent+Auction+14

16th Annual Washington County Dem’s Spaghetti Dinner!



More details are being planned for the Sunday, October 5th, Spaghetti Dinner.

Tickets are available at the Washington County Dem Office at 132 North Main Street, West Bend—just a half block south of Old Settler’s Park or by contacting Tanya Lohr at 414-467-8469.

The “Social” time will be 4:00 to 4:30 PM. Our Special Guest, Senator John Lehman, Candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will speak at 4:30 PM. And the Spaghetti Dinner will be held from 5:00 to 6:30 PM.

Musical performances will take place throughout the event.

Please join us at the Jackson Area Community Center at N165 W20330 Hickory Lane in Jackson, Wisconsin.                                                                                                         Directions:                                                                                                                                            > Coming into Jackson from the north or south after exiting Highway 45 onto Highway 60 (Main Street), go east into Jackson.                                                                                                   > At the third set of stop-and-go lights that are a block past the railroad tracks, turn RIGHT (south) on Jackson Drive.                                                                                                                     > After one long block, turn LEFT (east) onto Hickory Lane.                                                      > The Jackson Area Community Center will be on your left.

Hope to see you there!

MONTHLY MEETING —this Wednesday, September 17th

Burke Canvass

The Monthly Meeting of the Democratic Party of Washington County is coming up this Wednesday, September 17th, 7:00 – 8:30 PM.

Bring a “new” friend who hasn’t attended a meeting before and you receive a free “Mary Burke” button!

Join us at the Dem Party Office at 132 North Main Street in West Bend—just a block south of Old Settler’s Park.

Come hear about upcoming activities—contribute your ideas and suggestions—get energized with fellow Democrats and friends.

Contact Tanya Lohr at with questions and to suggest items for the agenda.