Saving Our Democracy

Community Forum on Wednesday, July 23rd at 7pm – 8:30pmvoters copy

Our guest speaker will be Mike McCabe, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

Mr. McCabe will address many of the issues currently threatening our democracy: Big Money in Politics, Voter Suppression, and the Biggest Threat of All…will be revealed at the Forum!

Join us and learn more about this crucial topic! Please contact Tanya Lohr at with questions.

Earth Day Events

Hello!  In celebration of Earth Day, we will be holding a Community Forum on Climate Change at the office this Wednesday from 7 – 8:30 PM.  Come learn about climatechangeClimate Change and how to use effective messaging when speaking about this vital issue.


We will also be celebrating Earth Day by participating in the Milwaukee River Clean-Up this Saturday starting at 8:30 AM.  Please meet at the UWWC parking lot for a short Earth Day program followed by a trip to Lac Lawrann to help clean up and prepare for summer adventures there!

Community Forum – Fighting for the Soul of Public Education

miner-2Wednesday, February 5th – Community Forum: 7-8:30

Our next forum will be on the timely issue of public education and is entitled “Fighting for the Soul of Public Education”. We are VERY fortunate to have Barbara Miner as our guest speaker. Ms. Miner is an award winning author and has recently published Lessons from the Heartland, A Turbulent Half-Century of Public Education in an Iconic American City. Ms. Miner is also the former managing editor of Rethinking Schools.

Ms. Miner’s presentation on February 5th will look at current education controversies facing Wisconsin, in particular private school vouchers and privately run charters. She will also explore the vital role of public education in defending our country’s democratic ideals. The current movement towards increasing private charter and voucher schools in Wisconsin makes this a timely and crucial event to attend. Please invite your friends and family to this important event.

Issue Action Night

Join us for an Issue Action Night on

Sustainable Agriculture
and The Plight of Small Farms in WI

Monday, January 20th from 7 PM – 8:30 PM
at the Washington County Democratic Party Office
132 North Main Street, West Bend

Help take action on this important issue!

Attendees will form a short action plan and begin putting it to work.
This plan may include writing letters to the editor, creating a brochure with talking points, or contacting legislators.
Please bring a laptop if you have one.

For more information, contact the office at 262-338-0990