Community Forum: GMOs and Monsanto

gmo-tomatoWe hope to see you this week at our Community forum on GMO’s and Monsanto.  Concern about the development of GMO’s (genetically modified foods) is growing and is likey to be a major topic in our next Presidential election.  Did you know…
* Monsanto has been banned in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Madeira, New Zealand, Peru, South Australia, Russia, France, and Switzerland?
* Over 60 countries, including ALL of the countries in the European Union, have either banned GMO’s completely or have severe restrictions on their use because they are considered unsafe? 
Come learn more this Wednesday, August 14th from 7:30 – 9 PM and bring a friend! 


Blood Drive

BLOOD DRIVE – Saturday, September 7th: 9 AM – 2 PM

blood drive
NOTE: This event will take place at the CLUE office (Cedar Lake United Educators) which is located at 850 Enterprise Drive in Slinger.
Please mark this important date on your calendar and sign up to give blood!  We need between 20-25 donors to make this event a success so please sign up today!  You can sign up online at or by contacting the Washington County Democratic Party office at 262-338-0990. 

Scot Ross

Community Forum – Building a Better Message – Mon., July 22nd  – 7-8:30 PM
scotrossScot Ross, Executive Director of One Wisconsin Now, will be speaking to us about media messaging.  Come learn how to develop a more effective message and deliver it through letters to the editor, letters to legislators, and in conversations with friends, and neighbors.  Scot did the media messaging training for my Emerge class and it was one of the best trainings offered …and by far the funniest.   He is a FANTASTIC speaker.  You won’t want to miss it! 

Field Trip to Madison

Junior Dems and Friends Field Trip to Madison – Tuesday, July 30th – 8 AM – 4 PM
wisconsin-state-capitolThe Washington County Junior Dems and Friends are taking a trip to Madison!  Come join us for a private tour of the Capitol  and a Q and A session with several state legislators.  We will also be touring the new Democratic Party of Wisconsin headquarters and talking to members of its leadership team.  This event will be tailored towards kids, but all are welcome to attend.  We will be LEAVING the office at 8 AM on the 30th so please plan on arriving by 7:45.  We will also designate a meeting point in Madison for anyone who would like to meet there instead.  We will return to the office between 4 and 4:30 PM.   More details are coming.  Please let me know if you are planning on attending as I need to let our tour guides and Q and A legislators know how many are coming.