Recycling Cans for Cash

It takes about 400 years for aluminum to break down naturally. That Coke can you just drank from will probably still look about the same in another century or two.

Recycling aluminum cans saves 95 percent of the energy used to make aluminum cans from virgin ore.

What most people don’t realize is that aluminum is practically the perfect recyclable material. Out of the most common recyclable materials that clutter up our landfills—glass, paper, metals, cardboard, plastics—aluminum is the only material that’s endlessly recyclable, 100% recyclable, and that pays for itself.

Recycling diverted 1.7 billion pounds from landfills.

Recycling aluminum cans can also help the Democratic Party of Washington County raise funds to keep our downtown office open and the lights on! We have volunteers who are willing to take the cans to the recycling facility and get the cash to our treasurer. What we need are YOUR CANS! Feel free to drop off a bag of cans at the office. You can drop a can into our recycling bin. Or even donate your can cash right in our donation jar.

If you have questions call the office or contact Kathy Meindl

Membership Meeting = June 20

Our next membership meeting will be held this Wednesday, June 20th at 7 PM at our office in West Bend. This is a very important meeting to attend, as we’ll be debriefing about the Gubernatorial Race and discussing our plan for moving forward. We may need to vote on some of the plans so it’s important that people are in attendance. Please plan on attending if possible.

The Washington County Fair is just one month away and we need volunteers to help staff the booth . The Fair runs from July 24th to July 29th. Please contact Andy or Bitsy Bollen at 262-338-2774 or the Wash Co Dem Office at 262-338-0990 to sign up for shifts.

We also need more volunteers to work in the office. We are getting important exposure by having the office open and we do get important foot traffic off the street. If we want an office open, we have to staff it. Please contact Gretchen Fincke at or (262) 629-1567 to become a volunteer.

Five More Days!

Crunch time is here, my friends.
It’s now or never.
We need massive numbers of volunteers to contact voters this weekend.
These are friendly contacts!!

We have canvassing and phone banking for the following shifts:
Sat: 9-12; 12-3; 3-6; 6-9
Sun: 12-3; 3-6; 6-9
Mon: 9-12; 12-3; 3-6; 6-9
Tues: 9-12; 12-3; 3-6; 6-8

Chair: Tanya Lohr