Recall Walker!

Congratulations Tom Barrett on the Primary Victory!

The time has finally arrived to remove Scott Walker from office. After 16 months of preparing for this race, it is finally here, and it’s time to charge ahead full strength. We can’t afford to have anyone sit this one out. In the upcoming events, I have listed all of our volunteer shifts for the week. Please look them over and let me know which shifts you can take. Then forward the list on to 5 friends, family members, or co-workers and ask them which shifts they can take as well. We need all of you on this one!!! Please sign up!!

Office Hours

Our office is currently open: Tuesday – Friday, 11 AM – 5 PM; Saturday, 10 AM – 2 PM. We would like to extend the office hours during the campaign, but in order to do that, we need more office volunteers. I have listed the particular shifts we need filled for the extended office hours. If you’d like to work in the office, but none of these days and times work, please contact Gretchen Fincke at to get on her list for other shifts. Thank you!

Mondays: 11-1; 1-3; 3-5
Thursdays: 7-9
Saturday: 8-10; 2-4


Wednesday, May 9th
West Bend – Phone Bank – 132 North Main St., West Bend (Democratic Party Office): 6-8
Phones available for volunteers who need one

Thursday, May 10th
West Bend – Phone Bank – 132 North Main St., West Bend (Dem Office): 6-8
Phones available for volunteers who need one

Saturday, May 12th
West Bend –Canvass – Begins at 132 North Main St., West Bend (Dem Office): 10 – 1; 1-4
Meet at the office at 9:45 or 12:45 for training. Then head out to knock on doors!

West Bend – Phone Bank – 132 North Main St., West Bend (Dem Office): 10 – 12; 12-2
Phones available for volunteers who need one

Sunday, May 13th – No Events due to Mother’s Day

Tuesday, May 15th
West Bend – Phone Bank – 132 North Main St., West Bend (Democratic Party Office): 6-8
Phones available for volunteers who need one

Wednesday, May 16th
West Bend – Phone Bank – 132 North Main St., West Bend (Dem Office): 1-3 PM
Phones available for volunteers who need one


County Party Meeting

Our next County party Meeting is on Wednesday, May 16th at 7:00 PM at the Democratic Party Office (132 North Main St, West Bend). PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS IMPORTANT MEETING! We will be strategizing for the governor’s race, circulating nomination papers for Democratic candidates, and talking about our long range plan for the next 6 months. Join us!

Tanya Lohr for Senate

It’s official!

Tanya Lohr, chair of the Democratic Party of Washington County, is running for Wisconsin State Senate for District 20 against Glenn Grothman.

Biography: Lohr has been a teacher for 16 years, spending the past 13 years teaching global studies at West Bend West High School. She is currently Chair of the Democratic Party of Washington County and a recent graduate of Emerge, a leadership training program for Democratic women interested in running for public office. She is married to fellow teacher, Andy Kougl. Their family includes their six year old twins and Kougl’s two teenage daughters.

“I want to restore adequate funding for public education, respect for women, affordable family health care and strengthen our communities by empowering working people,” Lohr said.

Lohr helped lead both the Grothman and Walker recall drives before being elected to lead the Washington county Democrats last fall. She is also the Political Action Chair and a Building Representative for the West Bend Education Association.

Facebook Page: Tanya Lohr for Wisconsin Senate

News Articles: West Bend Daily News 4/28/12, Port Washington – Saukville Patch 4/27/12

Campaign Contributions: Her Act Blue account is being created as we speak. In the mean time support can be mailed to “Lohr for Senate” to Dennis Degenhardt, 1410 Lee Avenue, West Bend, WI 53090 | support form


BIG Announcement!

I will be making a very important announcement on Friday, April 27th at 4:00 PM at the Washington County Democratic Party Office and I would like to invite all of you to be present for this event. There will also be an open house following the announcement until 6 PM. I hope many of you will be able to attend, as having you there will be an important part of the event.

Tanya Lohr

Wisconsin Retirement System Forum

Wednesday, May 2nd
1 PM at the CLUE office (850 Enterprise Drive, Slinger)
5 PM at the Democratic Party Office (132 N. Main Street, West Bend)

* Come learn about the Wisconsin Retirement System, and how the current Republican proposal could negatively affect it.

* This presentation is co-sponsored by The Democratic Party of Washington County, AFSCME, and CLUE (Cedar Lake United Educators)

* ALL interested parties are welcome!