Saturday April 28th

Unite Against the War on Women  
Madison, WI
1-3 PM
* Come join your fellow Wisconsinites and join the fight against the War on Women! 
* Please contact Tanya Lohr at or 414-467-8469 with questions! 
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s Annual Founders Day Gala  
(758 N Broadway)
6-9 PM
* Information about this important event is found on DPW’s website
* Please contact Tanya Lohr at or 414-467-8469 with questions. 

Game Night

Friday, April 27th
Game Night at the Dem Office 
Democratic Party Office
7 – 9 PM
* Join us for fun and games at the office!  There has been a request for Harry Potter trivia at one table.  Other games will be available at the other table/tables.  Please bring your own beverage and a snack to pass!
* Please contact Tanya Lohr at or 414-467-8469 with questions!

School Board Candidate Forum

Below is a link to a video of the West Bend School Board Candidate’s Forum, which was held on Tuesday at the City Council Chambers. I encourage you to watch the entire video so you have a full understanding of who the candidates are.

PLEASE take note that the upcoming school board election on Tuesday, April 3rd will have a MAJOR effect on the West Bend Public Schools. Please vote. Please talk to your colleagues about voting. Please talk to your friends, neighbors, and family members about voting. This election IS the future of public education in West Bend.


Thank you and please let me know if you have questions! Vote April 3rd!!

Tanya Lohr

Update: If you were not able to attend the candidate forum for the West Bend School
Board or view it live on TV onTuesday, March 27, the forum is being
rebroadcast on Community Cable TV (Charter channel 99 or 987).
I think you will find it interesting from a number of vantage points.
The rebroadcast schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, March 28 – 7:00 p.m
Thursday, March 29 – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, March 30 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, March – 3l Noon
Sunday, April 1 – 6:00 p.m.
Monday, April 2 – 1 p.m.