
Our county party can select up to 10 resolutions to submit to our 5th Congressional District Convention. The other counties in the 5th CD will do the same. Our Congressional District Convention will vote on and select up to 10 resolutions to submit to the State Party Convention, where they will be voted on by the state delegates.

We will be voting on our 10 resolutions at the next County Party meeting, on Wednesday, March 21st. In the interest of time, I will be sending out a preview of the proposed resolutions to the membership on Sunday, March 18th. This will give members an opportunity to read through them and prepare to discuss and vote on them on the 21st.

I would like proposed resolutions sent to me by Friday, March 16th so I can group them by topic and send them out to the membership. You are still able to propose additional resolutions from the floor on the 21st. However, if you do, please bring 25 copies of your resolution to the meeting. If you have questions or would like help putting together a resolution, please contact Waring Fincke at or 262-334-1030.

Thank you!
Tanya Lohr, Chair

101+ and STRONG!

West Bend Daily News printed an article featuring the grand opening party of the Democratic Party of Washington County’s NEW office. Part 1 and Part 2.

The article reports that 85 people were there. Our sign in sheets have us at over 101. Some people didn’t get a chance to sign in. During the inspirational speeches of Kathleen Vinehout and Mike Tate, there were people standing because there was no more room to sit or even to put chairs. There were people standing in the door way as well.

The newspaper claims this is our “war office”. It is better described by our chair, Tanya Lohr as our “community action center”. We are taking action to save our community and our state!

Special Registration Deputies Training

The West Bend City Clerk is offering training and certification of Special Registration Deputies (SRDs) for the City of West Bend on Friday, February 24th from 1 – 2:30 p.m. at West Bend City Hall, Council Chambers. City Hall is located at 1115 S. Main St

This will be the only training offered in West Bend before the April election. There may be additional sessions after the April election. 
I have made inquiry of all of the other municipal clerks in the County to see if they will accept Amy’s training and certify those who complete it as SRDs for their municipalities. Under the new rules each municipality must certify those who register voters who live in that municipality. You do not have to live in a municipality in order to register new voters there, you just have to be approved as a SRD for that municipality. 
If you plan to help out with voter registration activities in the new office, especially during the Farmers Market this summer, you will need to become certified as an SRD. People from all over Washington County come to the Market. We will be having voter registration drives in other areas as well.
Please let me know if you plan to attend this training.