A Zoom link will be sent out closer to the date or you can RSVP to washctywidems@gmail.com.
A Zoom link will be sent out closer to the date or you can RSVP to washctywidems@gmail.com.
By Andy Shagoury
There are only 100 days until the Presidential Election. We are also approaching the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. In more recent events, we hear the calls for racial equity and justice. All serve to remind us how important preserving our democracy and the right to vote is.
From the mid-19th century to 1920, women of all colors and walks of life from across the country took to the streets and the courtrooms of America to gain the right to vote. “Supporters lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced civil disobedience to achieve what many Americans considered radical change.” The 19th Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1878 but wasn’t ratified until August 18, 1920.
The fight for every American to have the right to vote did not end in 1920. Black people could vote but faced legislated barriers. “While the 15th Amendment barred voting rights discrimination on the basis of race, it left the door open for states to determine the specific qualifications for suffrage. Southern state legislatures used such qualifications—including literacy tests, poll taxes, and other discriminatory practices—to disenfranchise a majority of Black voters…” It would not be until 1965 that the Voting Rights Act banned restrictive practices that prevented many Blacks from voting.
Today even with laws in place to protect American’s rights to vote, inequity and voter suppression still exist. Women’s reproductive rights are constantly under attack because anti-choice Republicans seek to overturn Roe v. Wade. Voter ID laws, pushed by the GOP, disenfranchise many Black communities putting barricades in place to keep them from getting to the polls or voting.
We have a duty in November to vote and protect the democracy that so many fought for. Please make sure you are registered to vote and encourage friends, family, and neighbors to do the same. There is one thing that can not be legislated or denied, the American spirit. Your vote is your voice; make sure it is heard.
Wisconsin Public Radio
Encyclopedia of Milwaukee
Voting Information
We all know how critical this election is. We don’t want to wake up the day after the November election feeling like we did in November of 2016. Now is the time to be active. Don’t wait until October! Estimates are that 40% of the vote in November will be by Absentee Ballot (primarily Absentee Ballots mailed to voter and returned by mail, to drop-box, or in-person “early voting”.) The time schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the historical way of campaigning. Contact us now to discuss how you can help the effort.
The Washington County Dems Co-Chairs of the Campaign Support Team: Mary Ann Rzezsutek and Deb Anderson will describe immediate and longer term efforts. Please contact us: Washington County Dems
Make telephone calls, distribute flyers/newsletters, display a yard sign, office volunteer, write a letter to editor, host a meet and greet for the candidates, work with an action team, postcard writing, canvass (knock doors), drive a voter to polls, help with an event, witness a voters absentee ballot, assist in requesting ballot on-line, and voter registration on-line, be a poll worker, a poll observer, a voter protection hot-line volunteer, etc. Help make/paint our Washington County Dems large campaign signs! There is something for everyone!