
I Want to Help. What can I Do?

We all know how critical this election is. We don’t want to wake up the day after the November election feeling like we did in November of 2016.  Now is the time to be active. Don’t wait until October! Estimates are that 40% of the vote in November will be by Absentee Ballot (primarily Absentee Ballots mailed to voter and returned by mail, to drop-box, or in-person “early voting”.) The time schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the historical way of campaigning. Contact us now to discuss how you can help the effort. 
The Washington County Dems Co-Chairs of the Campaign Support Team: Mary Ann Rzezsutek and Deb Anderson will describe immediate and longer term efforts. Please contact us:  Washington County Dems

Make telephone calls, distribute flyers/newsletters, display a yard sign, office volunteer, write a letter to editor, host a meet and greet for the candidates, work with an action team, postcard writing, canvass (knock doors), drive a voter to polls, help with an event, witness a voters absentee ballot, assist in requesting ballot on-line, and voter registration on-line, be a poll worker, a poll observer, a voter protection hot-line volunteer, etc. Help make/paint our Washington County Dems large campaign signs! There is something for everyone!


Please join us for the July Monthly Meeting (on Zoom platform), Wednesday, July 15, 7:00 pm.

Note the one-time change of schedule.  Zoom will open at 7:00 pm for socializing; the formal business meeting will be called to order at 7:30 pm.

In addition to the agenda, we will be joined by two special guests:

Tom Palzewicz, who is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Wisconsin’s 5th Congressional District.                                                

Tom Nelson, Outagamie County Executive, who will be sharing a presentation about why we must elect good, responsible public servants from the courthouse to the White House.

If you have not received the latest E-blast with the Zoom link, please send a request to washctywidems@gmail.com ASAP.