Persist June Event, June 3rd–6:30 PM

Last month we told you about a new community for the Women of Washington County!
We are excited to let you know that Persist has announced their June event. 

Details:June 3, 20206:30 PM 

Guest speaker – Deb Dassow – Founding Member, Ozaukee Blue. Deb is also a retired teacher, 2020 DNC delegate,former union negotiator and president and Representative from the 6th CD on the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Administrative Committee! 

RSVP is required to receive ZOOM call information, so please do so by June 1:

Persist Inaugural Event, May 7th — 7:00 PM

A few months ago we announced the launch of Persist: A Speaker Series & Evening of Networking for the Women of Washington County. In light of our current health crisis, Persist will now be launching their inaugural event online! 

Details:May 7, 20207:00 PM OnwardsGuest Speaker – Ashley Jordan – Feminist, Activist, Writer

RSVP is required to receive ZOOM call information, so please do so by May 5: