We are all saddened and angered by the most recent horrific tragedy of the mass shooting in Florida. Words are difficult to describe how we think and feel about these horrors.

However, watch these pages for announcements of actions and activities supporting pressuring our representatives to make real, positive changes to reduce the likelihood of these tragedies. Be aware also that some members are quite active in the Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. For more information contact Leslie Adams: 414-530-8042 or tophadams@aol.com .

Tue, February 20th – Spring Primary Election

Spring Primary Election in less than 2 Weeks!

Three candidates are running in this Primary Election. Two Wisconsin Supreme Court candidates will be chosen in this Primary Election who will face off against each other in the Spring Election on April 3, 2018.

To see your ballot for this election, go to:

To learn more about the candidates on your ballot, go to: