How Do I Contact My Legislators?

Our fantastic Office Manger, Stephen Roberts, has put together a useful sheet that includes all of the State and National Legislators representing Washington County. It also includes a link for how to find out who represents you in the State Assembly and Senate.

To see the sheet, click here.

To check out the link on how to find who represents you, click here.

TrumpCare Disasters

Indivisible has put together a comprehensive map of the United States which indicates how much will be lost in each state if The American Health Care Act is passed. It also includes contact information for each state’s senators so you can call and let him/her know how important it is to reject the AHCA.

To see the map, as well as other information about the negative effects of the AHCA, click here.

Wed., May 31 – Community Forum on The Rise of Extremism: 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Dr. Karl Kuhn will join us to speak on the issue of the Rise of Extremism in America. The presentation will look at the rise of extremism in many different aspects of American life, and how it often results from social, political, economic, and psychological factors more so than strictly religious motivations. He will address the issue of Islamic Extremism – Fact and Fiction in his presentation as well.

Please join us for this very informative forum, which will allow us to explore the why rather than just touching on the what. As always, this forum is free and open to the public – please invite your friends and family members!

For a flyer on the forum, click here.

Wed, May 17th – Monthly Membership Meeting: 7:00 – 8:30 PM

(You don’t have to be a member of the Wash. Co. Dems to attend! All welcome!)

We will have several candidates running for various DPW positions with us to speak at our next meeting! These candidates include Joe Donovan, Khary Penebaker, Peter Peckarsky, Luke Fuszard, Meg Andrietsch and more. Join us for this and more at our May meeting!

To learn more about the candidates running for DPW positions, you can click here.