The spring primary is Tuesday, February 21st. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction candidates have a primary as do several local races including the school board race in West Bend. Incumbent Tony Evers is the candidate for State Superintendent with the experience and vision to help maintain our public schools. Please make a plan to get out and vote on February 21st!
Join our Private Facebook page!
The Washington County Dems have a public Facebook page as well as a Private page. The Private page is used for sharing and discussions which we do not want the general public to see. Postings on a private page can only be seen by others on the private page.
If you’d like to join our private page, please go to the Facebook page below, click “I’d like to join” and an administrator will approve you (if you appear to have common ground with our page).
Here’s the link: Private Discussions – Washington Co. Democratic Party
Here’s a link to the guide INDIVISIBLE: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR RESISTING THE TRUMP AGENDA. There are many good answers in here to the question, “Now what do we do?” The Wash. Co. Dem Exec. Board will be implemented several of these strategies throughout the year. It’s a great read, with lots of fantastic suggestions.
Mark Your Calendars for the 5th CD Convention to be held in Wash. County!
The Washington County Dems will be hosting the 2017 5th CD Convention on Sunday, March 19th. The location is yet to be determined – watch for upcoming details!